Previous week was a bit slow, we lost a bit of the energy that had us so pumped up at the beginning of the semester, but we still want to see this project through. We still believe in it. Personally, I did some research into the “Epoch” time, an universal reference to know the current time… the amount of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), without counting leap seconds. And, interesting fact, many Unix systems store epoch dates as a signed 32-bit integer, which might cause problems on January 19, 2038 (known as the Year 2038 problem or Y2038). Beware, world. You can read more into this here Anyways, we decided to use this system as a timestamp for every temperature reading in our project, so I found out how to obtain this value in Python. It’s actually pretty easy. We also decided to move forward with our initial idea of having the plant “tweet by itself” updates on its current condition. Next post coming...