
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2018

Plans for Week 7

Personal plans for this week… create a system with which the plant will periodically tweet updates on its condition, update our sensors platform documentation and work on some ideas for automating even more the platform so that its setup and deployment is as painless as possible. More posts to come! until then, here’s a cool “twitter bot” I found: image obtained from http://vivekbhat.me/

Year 2038 Problem

Previous week was a bit slow, we lost a bit of the energy that had us so pumped up at the beginning of the semester, but we still want to see this project through. We still believe in it. Personally, I did some research into the “Epoch” time, an universal reference to know the current time… the amount of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), without counting leap seconds. And, interesting fact, many Unix systems store epoch dates as a signed 32-bit integer, which might cause problems on January 19, 2038 (known as the Year 2038 problem or Y2038). Beware, world. You can read more into this here https://www.epochconverter.com/ Anyways, we decided to use this system as a timestamp for every temperature reading in our project, so I found out how to obtain this value in Python. It’s actually pretty easy. We also decided to move forward with our initial idea of having the plant “tweet by itself” updates on its current condition. Next post coming...

Next Week?

Aaand another post where I forgot to hit PUBLISH. What a wonderful surprise. Well, better late than never, as they say. To put you into context again, the following content is originally from february 19, week 6. What are our plans for next week, you say? I myself aren’t sure of that either. The entire last week one of our teammates was missing, so we’ll start the week by letting him know our latest changes, and resynchronize so we can continue moving forward. But we certainly first all need to catch up with each other. The good thing is there have been no major stepbacks recently, so we’re mostly where we had planned to to be. Stay put for more updates. I couldn’t think of a good picture for this post, so here’s a beautiful sunset image obtained from https://www.nikonusa.com/en/learn-and-explore/a/tips-and-techniques/best-tips-for-sunrise-and-sunset-photos.html

Sprint Demo 2

Wow, long time no see. For some reason my brain forgot to post this when I should have. After just checking right now, I realize I never actually clicked PUBLISH. Well, here it is now. This content is originally from february 18, week 6. This week was our second sprint review, where all of us showed each other how our projects are going, what improvements we’ve made since the first demo and what we have planned for the next few weeks. In our case, that mainly meant showcasing our infrastructure in Kubernetes as a public service our Raspberry Pi can communicate to. We showed how easy Kubernetes makes it for us to decide how to split the workload between multiple instances, as well as our new sensors all working, but only sending through our pipeline temperature readings. image obtained from http://blog.boguszewski.net/sprint-retrospective/ Once again, this was a good chance to see what the other teams have been working on, and look at our project in a way we can e...

Rafcoitreng... Refactoring

So… as you may know from my previous post, 2 new sensors have been added to our platform. Nice. However, the code for this could be refactored a bit so it works in a nicer, more straight forward way. So, this week I’ll work on improving this code and making it flow better. Also, as most weeks, we’ll continue merging each of our individual work into a working build, getting closer and closer to a bigger demo for our project. We’ll see how it all goes. That’s all I have to say for now, keep an eye out for further updates. Let the refactor begin... image obtained from http://deus.co.uk/images/refactoring.png

Temperature, Humidity and Light

Another week gone by. And for that, I’m here once more to update on our progress. In this occasion, I managed to stick to this week’s goals of using a sensor that measures both humidity and temperature, as well as adding another new sensor that measures light intensity. According to our research, all these variables are very valuable metrics for remote plant monitoring. Now our circuit looks a bit more confusing, but we’re still trying to stick to only the necessary components. image obtained from https://abm-website-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/rdmag.com/s3fs-public/planttempsensorx250.jpg And that was mostly it, we also continued to organize our workflow and priorities as new issues arise. All while making sure we don’t block each other. Stay tuned for more updates.

New Sensors, More Data

Hey. As you may know from my previous post , this week I’m going to focus on using a new sensor that will help us measure both temperature and humidity at once, as well as adding another sensor that will help us measure light intensity. This way, we’ll have even more data to process and analyze for remote monitoring. This will all be added to the list of pending signals to be sent over HTTPS protocol. For now, simply reading this data and sending it over to our Broker should be enough. image obtained from http://www.oznium.co.za/wp-content/uploads/products_img/2451.jpg That’s all for now. Bye.

Time Flies

Hey there, again. So, 4 weeks have gone by already… time does fly. Also, now partials are here, but let’s not talk about that now. Or just as Michael Altshuler says, “ The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. ” image obtained from https://akatandamouse.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/time-flies.jpg?w=354&h=266 And with that being said… looking back at week 4, it was a pretty calm week. It turns out I did some research into what has to be done so that the signals sent from the Raspberry reach out Broker with the HTTPS protocol, and I’m pretty sure I’ve found a way. But, this HTTPS protocol must also be enabled on our server, on a separate port. So, I’m going to have to hold on to that idea until actual support for it is added on our server. Other than that, I did some more research into incorporating more sensors to the platform, and it seems that we can use a “humiture” sensor, which measures both humidity and temperature. 2 sensors in on...