Temperature, Humidity and Light
Another week gone by. And for that, I’m here once more to update on our progress.
In this occasion, I managed to stick to this week’s goals of using a sensor that measures both humidity
and temperature, as well as adding another new sensor that measures light intensity. According to our
research, all these variables are very valuable metrics for remote plant monitoring. Now our circuit
looks a bit more confusing, but we’re still trying to stick to only the necessary components.
and temperature, as well as adding another new sensor that measures light intensity. According to our
research, all these variables are very valuable metrics for remote plant monitoring. Now our circuit
looks a bit more confusing, but we’re still trying to stick to only the necessary components.
image obtained from https://abm-website-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/rdmag.com/s3fs-public/planttempsensorx250.jpg
And that was mostly it, we also continued to organize our workflow and priorities as new issues arise.
All while making sure we don’t block each other.
All while making sure we don’t block each other.
Stay tuned for more updates.
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