Little Tweaks, Tiny Fixes
Hey, you.
So, as you may have noticed from my previous posts, these past few weeks have been way calmer than
usual for this project. We’re all still busy with all our other projects (that are not quite as done as this
one), so out priorities have gotten in the way. That, and the fact that assistance to these past few
classes has been optional. And, what did we do? Well, I know one of my teammates has been
researching for ways to shelter our Raspberry so that it can properly work in a living plant settlement.
Why? We’ve decided we want to present this project at Expo Ingenieras, an event where student
projects of various areas of engineering are showcased for the general public.
usual for this project. We’re all still busy with all our other projects (that are not quite as done as this
one), so out priorities have gotten in the way. That, and the fact that assistance to these past few
classes has been optional. And, what did we do? Well, I know one of my teammates has been
researching for ways to shelter our Raspberry so that it can properly work in a living plant settlement.
Why? We’ve decided we want to present this project at Expo Ingenieras, an event where student
projects of various areas of engineering are showcased for the general public.
So we must now prepare everything for this event. Consider it Berry House’s first look at the world
outside our classroom.
outside our classroom.
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