No Casualties So Far

Hello, you. Yes, you.

With week 2 behind us, we’ll all now reflect upon what we were supposed to do for our respective
projects on these past 168 hours. In my case, I made it my goal to understand the Raspberry Pi
signals and have a basic setup in place for the sensors platform. And I’m happy to say I did!
During this week, I was able to understand the basics for using a Raspberry Pi and work with a
temperature sensor with Python.

I also made some research regarding our project and what we’re trying to accomplish. It seems that
remote garden monitoring is not as unheard of as I (we) thought. There are at least a few options
out there that are somehow similar to what we’re trying to do. This helped us understand better what
people are actually looking for to monitor in their own garden/greenhouse setups, and figure out
what will differentiate us from them. There’s even a tree in Germany that constantly tweets updates
about its size and overall health, how cool is that?

In case we wanted to do something twitter-connected, I also found out how to tweet with Python
(which wasn't that complicated at all).

I look forward to week 3, for which I’ll make a post tomorrow.

Until then, sayonara!


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